10 Characteristics of a High Converting Landing Page

When you’re designing a landing page for your product or service, there’s one thing you need it to do – convert. As one of the most important factors in your online marketing campaign, you should be spending time making sure it’s right!

Unfortunately, there’s no precise formula or template for successful landing pages, and the success of yours depends on so many different factors including your customer base, and your niche. BUT there are certain aspects we see time and time again on successful landing pages – does yours have the following?

  1. An outstanding headline

And we mean outstanding. Nothing wishy-washy, the headline has to be amazing to engage visitors straight away and make them need to stay on your page and see what it is you have to offer.

  1. A compelling sub-headline

While the headline is the immediate WOW factor, the sub-headline or secondary headline is where you have more room to expand on your message. Once your headline has grabbed their attention, this is where you persuade them to read on.

  1. Benefits focussed

Your product or service is the solution to their problem, so make sure they’re in no doubt exactly how it will benefit them. Make sure your copy answers the question ‘what’s in it for me?’.

  1. Striking visual content

A wall of text is going to put most visitors off straight away, so make your landing page a good mix of images and text. Make sure images are relevant, large, and high-quality – they need to grab every visitor’s attention straight away!

  1. Social proof

It’s all very well you telling people your business is life-changing, but, well, you would really, wouldn’t you? Social proof in the form of real life testimonials or case studies are crucial for cultivating trust.

  1. A clear explanation of what you’re offering

A landing page shouldn’t be a comprehensive list of everything your business offers, it needs to be focused on one specific thing and should be crystal clear about exactly what that is. Make it simple and straightforward, so visitors are in no doubt about what they’ll be getting.

  1. Cover visitors’ ‘pain points’

As well as letting visitors know how they’ll benefit from your offer, don’t forget to touch on the problems they’re likely to experience if they don’t have your business in their lives!

  1. Well-structured content

Make sure you structure your page in a clear and logical way – your headline/sub-headline, a clear explanation of your offer, the benefits, social proof, and finally, your call to action (CTA).

  1. An emotional hook

You already know to cover the practical benefits they’ll get from your offer, but what about the emotional benefits? It’s human nature to be drawn to something that we think will fulfil us emotionally and psychologically, so make sure you use that to your advantage.

  1. Don’t forget your call to action!

The most important element of your landing page is your CTA, where to tell them what you want to do and when you want them to do it (here’s a clue, give them a sense of urgency to do it NOW!

Making sure your landing page converts does take some work, but make sure yours contain these characteristics and you’ll definitely start seeing results!

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